Qfarm ChangeLog
CHANGES from 1.34 to 1.35 dated 13-05-2024
- Correct conversion calculation in case of pruning (and fall-down)
- Correct initialization of chicken weighers in case of fall-down
- Added 0-10V depressor flap operation
- Added all types of reading (4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V) for humidity, CO2 and NH3 probes
- Improved M3H operation (step transition from 0 to 1 with memo % active)
CHANGES from 1.33 to 1.34 dated 03-07-2023
- Fixed NH3 representation in last 48 hours archives
- Filtered NH3 reading to inhibit NH3D probe initialisation
- Locked in (E->2->4->H...) access to nest times if set independent from LAB
CHANGES from 1.32 to 1.33 dated 26-01-2023
- Corrected calculation of M3h variation for CO2, NH3, T.External and Temporary Variation
- Changed lights datatype (advance/lag) from mm:ss to hh:mm:ss
- Modified nest datatype (early/late) limit from 300' to 720'
- New independent nests function
- New aux 1 and 2 timer function
- Improved external humid climate management (possibility to set a negative delta)
- Improved nest relay management (1" wait on relay exchange)
- Improved 0-10v ventilation forcing management (active only if set for a time ->0v*1"+10v*T)
CHANGES from 1.32 to 1.33 dated 26-01-2023
- Corrected calculation of M3h variation for CO2, NH3, T.External and Temporary Variation
- Changed lights datatype (advance/lag) from mm:ss to hh:mm:ss
- Modified nest datatype (early/late) limit from 300' to 720'
- New independent nests function
- New aux 1 and 2 timer function
- Improved external humid climate management (possibility to set a negative delta)
- Improved nest relay management (1" wait on relay exchange)
- Improved 0-10v ventilation forcing management (active only if set for a time ->0v*1"+10v*T)
CHANGES from 1.31 to 1.32 of 15-09-2022
-Fixed bug generated in 1.31 on the display of "Females", "Males" and "Feed" on the Home page
CHANGES from 1.30 to 1.31 12-09-2022
- Correction of "Gr / Head of programmed water" display in the "Feeding Details" screen in the case of water at will
- Added possibility of excluding ampere and pressure alarms and cooling function in case of natural ventilation (double ventilation)
- Removed display of spare parts countdown in case they are excluded
- Changed data type of "set_avaria_flaps" (limit to 5:00 ')
- Changed bootstrap value of "set_avaria_flaps" (from 5:00 'to 2:00')
- Improved "flap movement" alarm management
CHANGES from 1.29 to 1.30 12-05-2022
- Fixed "maximum ventilation% step" block signal
- Correct value at boot for general NO / NC alarm contact
- Fixed fan-jet timing
- Added "Excluded" setting for the item weighing alarm
- Improved weight management (awaits confirmation on important changes)
- Improved peripheral connection (failure alarm after 16 failures)
- Improved data transfer to PC (silos unloading)
CHANGES from 1.28 to 1.29 14-01-2021
- Fixed total egg archive
- Added settings for general NO / NC alarm contact
- Limited minimum rotation settings to 1
- Improved data passage for cloud gateways
AMENDMENTS from 1.27 to 1.28 of 29-06-2020
- Modified nest opening / closing setting from min: sec to whole minutes (up to 300 ')
- Ventilation diff setting limit changed from 0.0 ° -30.0 ° to 0.2 ° -1.0 °
- Modified value at bootstrap of delta T sampling time from 5:00 'to 1.00'
- Alarm bootstrap value changed in (E-1-8-9) from "Display" to "Enabled"
- Fixed echo response from remote write (Error introduced in 1.24)
- Corrected stop ventilation with "set_memoria_parzializzazione_m3h = No" in the case set "Maximum ventilation" at the maximum step - 1 (the problem occurs at start-up or in the event of temperature fanning)
- Corrected silos loading totals
- Correct amperometric alarm with set ventilation delay
- Fixed vision of flaps set from 9 to 16
- Fixed 0-10v name table length to load on first bootstrap (48 to 64)
- Added manual relay page to drive up to 119
- Added bootstrap alarm
- Added German
- Arab language embryo
CHANGES from 1.26 to 1.27 09-04-2019
- Correct light output 0-10v (with lux) in fasting
- Fixed "heads = 0" message if ventilation only
- Added "Minimum maintenance" (E-2-4) to keep lights out of hours (turkeys)
- Added "Maximum speed% block" and "Maximum block% step number" (E-1-3-3-2-H) to limit 0-10v ventilation (with ramp)
- Russian added
CHANGES from 1.25 to 1.26 26-09-2018
- Modified operation of feeders for hens
- Improved cycle start with reset of any silos or medicated load in progress
- Correct ventilation rotation management (could rotate on a step greater than the set maximum)
- Correct password access management (showed an incomplete screen if you first accessed a locked setting - set calendar type)
- Amperometric alarm exclusion by setting "minimum absorption step x" to 0.0A
- Added warning "Attention: capi = 0"
- Added Portuguese
CHANGES from 1.24 to 1.25 16-03-2018
- Improved NH3 / CO2 exclusion management - display -1.0 / -1 in case of exclusion
- If select two LUX probes there are two 0-10v outputs and two independent minimum brightness alarms
- New management of feeders for hens
- Added lights relay off with reading lux> set + 1/2 dif and output = 0
- Added possibility of exclusion of 4-20mA humidity probes
- Modified value at boot of "Minimum brightness"
CHANGES from 1.23 to 1.24 18-01-2017
- Correct calculation 0-10v output lights during the descent ramp (with lights & lux)
- Improved 0-10v window management during air changes (timing) in m3 / h - (window is positioned at the set of the step calculated in ON and at the set of the previous step in OFF)
- Improved connection management with PC
- New possibility to assign the status of the "external alarm exclusion" contact to the optional alarm relays
- Added possibility of exclusion of CO2 / NH3 probes
- Added up mangers at the end of the fast
- Modified heating block delay time from 2 to 5 seconds
- Modified values at boot in Flap, Ventilation, Cooling, Alarms
CHANGES from 1.22 to 1.23 12-10-2017
- New light output with output 0-10v according to the luminosity probe (Lux), with the possibility of having up to two brightness probes.
- New display screen for luminosity probes
- New minimum luminosity alarm
- Added Calendars / Activation / Maximum Limit for 0-10V Light Management with luminosity Probe (Lux)
- Added step view inserted in the new "Table Info"
- Added reset flap in case of motion alarm
- Added ventilation set recording in daily archives (net pro)
- Added possibility to exclude cooling block for too much humidity (setting 100%)
- Modified data-type asc. and des. manger - Limit range from 10 'to 99' (maximum value in min: sec)
- Modified Power Calendar Values (Ross 308 curve)
- Added controls for Qfarm Net PRO with www.qfarm.cloud service
CHANGES from 1.21 to 1.22 10-05-2017
- New light management (only reading probe 0-10v on the first HXDA)
- New NH3 management (0-10v probe on HXNE)
- New screens Operating Tables Ventilation / Flap (Home> H> H> C)
CHANGES from 1.20 to 1.21 27-03-2017
- Fixed calculating water consumption at the end of the medicated (Archive_Day -> Days_Cycle)
- Fixed viewers Management (conn) -> Error introduced in 1:19 after modification for use with Qstorage
- Modified boot value of "Cycle Time spare parts" (E-1-3-2-1) to 600 "(10 ') to 300" (5')
CHANGES from 1.19 to 1.20 07-02-2017
- Fixed malfunctioning heating on/off in case of fan-jet enabling 0-10v
- Modified date-type "Display brightness" (E.2.4.D.3) (from +/- 80% to +/- 99%)
- Improved loading times by tables (erase)
- Added French language
CHANGES from 1.18 to 1.19 25-01-2017
- Updated RTC management to manage new CPU
- Updated spi-flash library to manage new chip
CHANGES from 1.17 to 1.18 29-09-2016
- Limited write eeprom remotely (only possible in the minimum / maximum range)
- Calculation using PC
- Improved read keyboard handling
- Updated USB host library - MSC
- Updated file system
CHANGES from 1.16 to 1.17 20-07-2016
- Increase the buffer size for USB handling filenames
- Improved management of external EEPROM (new chip Clock <10Mhz)
- Theoretical weight calculation feed curve to be used by PC
CHANGES from 1.15 to 1.16 24-05-2016
- Fixed EG GUI data type (signed)
- Improved schedules limit filter (related to the problem above)
CHANGES from 1.14 to 1.15 05-05-2016
- Fixed wrong access to the distribution screen if Qfarm ventilation only
- Fixed record date of the pre-boot cycle
- Fixed daily recording time igniting lights (was not saved at midnight)
- Fixed operating times power representation (problem if> 23:59)
- Fixed medicated delay minimum level sensor intervention
- Fixed zero external flash sectors to boot cycle (in the archives were correct only the first 255 days of the cycle)
- Fixed associative flap operation in air changes (minimum ventilation) in M3H and 0-10v
- Fixed CO2 graph
- New insight into the ventilation screen (countdown on and off of the air changes also M3h)