The external wiring is extremely simple: the on-board transformer, fuse-protected relays and plug-in terminal board make the connections very quick and easy.
As for all products, there is no difficulty in connecting the probes with an ordinary two-wire cable even long distance away, without requiring shielding or insulated runways.
The sturdy makeup, a wide selection of extended-range components and limited disturbance (refer to EMC studies) give an extremely reliable product which you can see for yourself as soon as you put it to use. In fact compliance to severe regulations issued by european community concerning electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage directives was reached time before dead line legal date mandatory for CE labelling.
This brochure lists all our models which are designed for specific user-friendly applications.
If you need a product tailored to your own personal requirements, in a very short time our customer service can come up with an exclusive customized solution.
If you need a product tailored to your own personal requirements, in a very short time our customer service can come up with an exclusive customized solution.