- 2 air inlets, ventilation, heatings Environment, floor Heating, heating Lamps Infrared, cooling, humidification.
The actuators which can be controlled are:
- Air inlet flaps (working 0-10V or by gearmotor with potentiometer)
- Air outlet flaps (working 0-10V or by gearmotor with potentiometer)
- Exhaust fans (working by 6 A 230V singlephase Triac or by 0-10 V inverter)
- Space heating (working by air or by water exchanger)
- Floor heating (working by 0-10 proportional valve or electrovalve)
- Infrared heating (working 0-10 V)
- Cooling (water pump or electrovalve)
- Humidification (by humidifier)
Input control parameters can be:
- Indoor ambient temperature
- Floor temperature
- Indoor RH%
- Outdoor temperature
- Incoming Air temperature
- Outcoming air temperature
- Air flow counter
Main features:
Ventilation: as a standard feature the unit comes with a Triac 230v 6 amps output to operate fans (in case more amperage is required, the SCSL extension provides & amps extensions multiples).
In case an inverter is being used to control fans a 0-10V output is featured.
Auxiliary ventilation is also possible (the speed of one fan is controlled; when this fan reaches the max speed, a second fan is being switched on and the system starts from a lower speed).
Ventilation can also be controlled according to the signal given by an air speed meter or a airflow meter; in this case the program allows to have a minimum % of exhaust air even if fans working at minimum speed are turning faster due to the chimney natural draught. If so, minimum air speed is reduced by proportionally close the Flap 2 connected to the chimney fan.
Heating: space heating and floor heating (nests or carpets) are separately handled.
The Floor Heating SET is automatically calculated according to the Ambient Temperature Curve.
When installing the SCSL extension, the infrared heating system can be handled as well.
Flaps: up to 2 flaps can be independently handled (air inlet and/or air outlets) according to the % of ventilation with 0-10 V actuators or by gearmotor with feedback potentiometer.
2 flaps can also be controlled by the ambient temperature.
Cooling: can be controlled either in a continous way or by timer according to the temperature and indoor %RH.
Humidification: can be controlled either in a continous way or by timer according to the temperature and indoor %RH.
Sanification: Ventilation and air flap position can be controlled during the sanification procedure.
The calendar of the setting curves can minimize the settings to be performed as the curve is setted at the beginning of the cycle and then controls the climate in a fully automated way.
Various password levels can be inputed to protect settings.